{ flickr favorites } frame

Tuesday 26 January 2010

{ flickr favorites } frame

1. Framed, 2. Empty Frame,

Tenho andado com vontade de preencher as paredes vazias. Quadros, desenhos, fotografias... tenho muitos candidatos, mas faltam-me molduras e a coragem de que preciso para furar a parede, confiando que não vou mudar de ideias cinco minutos depois... nada é definitivo, mas um prego no lugar errado pode ser desencorajador.

Agradam-me as paredes preenchidas através de uma espécie de work in progress como esta, mas por algum motivo racionalizo demasiado e falta-me essa naturalidade, por isso estou a tentar inspirar-me...

Mais mosaicos aqui.


I've been wishing to fill the empty walls. Paintings, drawings, photographs... I have many candidates, but I lack the frames and the courage I need to pierce the wall, trusting that I will not change my mind five minutes later... nothing is definitive, but a nail in the wrong place can be daunting.

It appeals to me walls filled in a kind of work in progress like this, but I somehow rationalize too much and I miss the spontaneity, so I'm trying to get inspiration...

More mosaics here.


  1. I have so much artwork that needs to be framed it's scary! And I agree it's a difficult task. I kind of like the work in progress but then I think I would like the same colorhues and with all the prints I have, it's not always the case...
    Goodluck with your empty walls & finding nice work and frames! :)


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