{ flickr favorites } travelling

Tuesday 2 March 2010

{ flickr favorites } travelling

No Domingo diverti-me a rever algumas fotos de viagens passadas. Surgiu-me, inevitavelmente, a vontade de voltar a entrar no carro, com o destino apenas parcialmente definido, e começar uma nova viagem... Já fiz algumas de avião, mas aquelas que percorri de carro, sem hotéis marcados e trajectos rigidamente definidos continuam a transmitir-me uma sensação de liberdade especial. Tenho que prová-la de novo... Nos meus sonhos essa viagem começa sem ter itinerário ou fim definido: preparo uma mala, consulto o mapa e vou por aí, percorrendo as estradas da Europa e parando onde tiver vontade, com tempo para visitar as cidades, respirar a terra, conviver com costumes locais - tempo para parar e escutar, ainda que não entenda a língua...

Sim, isso será sonhar demais, mas não é impossível voltar a viajar assim. No Domingo, enquanto colocava no Flickr a minha selecção de fotos da viagem ao Alentejo (já há mais de um ano!) não conseguia deixar de pensar nisso... E agora, não consigo deixar de pensar no próximo destino: qual será?

Mais aqui.


Last Sunday I had fun reviewing some pictures of past trips. I felt, inevitably, the desire to get back into the car, with the destiny only partially defined, and begin a new journey... I've done some by plain, but those I made by car, with no booking ahead or rigidly defined routes continue to give me a special feeling of freedom. I have to taste it again... In my dreams this trip begins without itinerary or specific ending: I prepare a suitcase, I consult the map and go around, travelling the roads of Europe and stopping wherever I will, with time to visit the city, to breath the land, to deal with local habits - time to stop and listen, even if I don't understand the language...

Yes, that's too much dreaming, but it's possible to travel like this again. On Sunday, while posting on my Flickr a photo selection from last trip to Alentejo (now a little over a year!) I couldn't stop thinking about it... And now, I can't stop thinking about the next destination: what will it be?

More here.


  1. That for me is the best way to travel: no defined route or known destination.

  2. Beautiful, evocative post - and fantastic pictures. I totally understand your desire to travel without being a 'tourist' - to be free and have no plans. It can be done. I'll look forward to reading about it here on your blog x

  3. I know the second picture with the feet ! It's like déja-vu.

  4. What a great post. I love the photos, and your thoughts on travel. I can't wait to see where you choose for your next travel destination!

  5. I love the quote in the bottom left. I'm a late bloomer when it comes to catching the travel bug and so I feel like I've got lots of catching up to do. I love the feeling of finding something new, especially when it seems to be left up to fate.

  6. These kind of journey's are the best! When we set off with our car for vacation, we don't really have a destiny either. We just drive and stop were it's pretty, eat where it's nice and sleep where it's amazing. :)
    Enjoy your next holiday! You'r mosaic is beautiful!

  7. always a great theme, love your picks!


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