{ flickr favorites } cathedral

Tuesday 13 April 2010

{ flickr favorites } cathedral

1. St. Patrick's Cathedral, 2. Liverpools Anglican Cathedral,

Ainda inspirada pela minha recente viagem à Galiza, que incluiu visitas a Lugo e Santiago de Compostela, decidi dedicar o mosaico desta semana à magia das catedrais! Espero que gostem.

Durante a viagem visitei catedrais naturais e construidas pelo homem... podem ver as fotos que tirei aqui.

Mais mosaicos no blog da Mitsy.


Still inspired by my recent trip to Galicia, which included visits to Lugo and Santiago de Compostela, I decided to dedicate this week's mosaic to the magic of cathedrals! Hope you enjoy.

During the trip I visited cathedrals built by nature and by man... you can see the photos I took here.

More mosaics at Mitsy's.


  1. Just reading 'the Cathedral' by Ken Follet ... a coincidence ?

  2. Oh wow, they are really impressive buildings, aren't they? They always overwhelm me when I visit. Absolutely stunning pics.

  3. These cathedrals are just epic. Wow. I don't think I've ever been in the presence of any architecture quite like these. Heading over to your Flickr now to see the rest of the photos.

  4. Amazing powerful images you've got here!!!
    Great mosaic.


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