{flickr favorites} portuguese

Tuesday 18 May 2010

{ flickr favorites } portuguese

1. shop update, 2. yellow, 3. ready, 4. m_h

Ontem tive o prazer de ver um dos meus desenhos escolhidos para aparecer junto de outros trabalhos de artistas portugueses no artigo Handmade in Portugal!
Como o artigo é em alemão tive que usar a ajuda do google translator... façam o mesmo e leiam um pouco mais sobre Portugal e o que de mais animado se passa no universo feito à mão da cidade do Porto.
Muito obrigada pela honra de ver o meu desenho the hands series (XI) entre tantos outros artistas que admiro!
Para celebrar, o mosaico desta semana é dedicado a algumas das minhas fotos favoritas tiradas por criadores portugueses! Visitem as suas galerias e apaixonem-se também um pouco mais pelo seu trabalho e por... Portugal.

Para mais mosaicos visitem o blog da Mitsy.


Yesterday I had the pleasure of seeing one of my drawings chosen to appear along with other works of Portuguese artists in the article Handmade in Portugal!
As the article is in German, I had to use the help of google translator... do the same and read a little more about Portugal and about the handmade universe from the city of Porto.
Thank you for the honour of seeing my drawing the hands series (XI) among many other artists I admire!
To celebrate, this week's mosaic is dedicated to some of my favorite photographs taken by Portuguese artists and crafters... visit their galleries to fall in love with their work and... with Portugal.

For more mosaics go at Mitsy's.


  1. Great selection, it's so cool that artists from far away are just a click away!

  2. I think that I am already in love with Portugal! I don't know much about it, but I have great appreciation for everything I have seen and heard. Congratulations on your article mention - how exciting, and definitely well deserved.

  3. BIG congrats to the feature - that is just superexciting and fab! I LOVE your mosaic this week & I must write Otchpotchi soon to let her know how much I LOVE her work! I was astonished to see the stones/pebbles she made. I think we made pebbles around the same time - they are fab and beautiful! Thanks for sharing so much Portuguese talent!

  4. Congratulations on the feature! Your choices today are all extremely beautiful as well :)

  5. Congratulation on your feature!
    and your drawings are very beautiful, especially Frida.
    I love cats.

  6. Parabéns Ana, os desenhos estão fabulosos*

  7. Muito obrigada Cristina! Beijinhos :)

    Thank you all for your kind comments about my work!
    And take time to know a bit more about Portugal and Portuguese artists - you won't regret it ;)


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