{monday moodboard} rainbow

Monday 10 May 2010

{ monday moodboard } rainbow

O Iris necklace chegou à loja. Não resisti e fui em busca de criações que conjugassem com ele... Não é difícil, já que todas as cores são permitidas! É só uma questão de querer iluminar um dia chuvoso como o de hoje com uma amostra das cores do arco-iris... que te parece?

Mais no blog de fleur fatale.


The Iris necklace arrived at the shop. I couldn't resist and went in search of creations which combined with it... It is not difficult, since all colors are allowed! It's just a matter of wanting to brighten a rainy day like today with a sample of the colors of the rainbow... what do you think?

More on the blog of fleur fatale.


  1. Stunning collection. Those colours really sing together!

  2. your necklace is gorgeous!

  3. It's my fav mood!
    I love it!

  4. really great items!!! so bold and colorful!I like your mood today! ;)

  5. Love these vibrant colors of the jewelry

  6. Adoro as cores :) O colar tá o maximo, e que giro ver o meu anel :) obrigada!


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