{flickr favorites} sea sun beach

Tuesday 15 June 2010

{ flickr favorites } sea sun beach

1. translating a shell, 2. On Chesil Beach,

Quando chega este tempo torna-se ainda mais difícil levantar de manhã e pensar que se vai passar as 10h seguintes dentro de um escritório... por muito que se olhe para o céu azul pela janela nada se compara à brisa a passar pelo rosto, ao calor do sol a queimar a pele, à luz reflectida na areia e ao som do mar... é pena que as praias do Porto não sejam mais atractivas e que a temperatura da água do mar assuste os mais corajosos, mas ainda assim... espero que o bom tempo resista até ao fim-de-semana para poder sentir a maresia ao vivo.

Mais aqui.


When this hot weather arrives, it becomes even more difficult to raise in the morning and think that the next 10 hours will be spent inside an office... even looking at the blue sky through the window nothing compares to the breeze passing through the face, the warmth of the sun burning the skin, the light reflected in the sand and the sound of the sea... it is a pity that the beaches in Porto are not more attractive and that the temperature of sea water scare the bravest, but still... I hope the good weather lasts until the weekend so I can feel the sea air live.



  1. Your mosaic smells like summer vacation... I love it! And I always smile when I see this dog floating!

  2. I love them all, funny thing is 3 of them I already knew :)

  3. The dog is just brilliant - thanks for making me smile :o) Lucy xox

  4. wonderful beach finds... would love to have such a day...

  5. I wish you a sunny and warm weekend !

  6. That has to be THE perfect picture of a dog...pure enjoyment!

  7. I love the air from the sea! I remember when I was in Portugal and when we returned from Porto, I asked Kerrin (Sigmosaic) to stop by the sea for just a bit. Wanted to sniff and feel the air! I live quite far from any coast so it's always a treat to me! :) Lovely mosaic!

  8. Getting out of bed is not a problem for me when he weather is hot but applying myself to work is! I fell soooo lazy :-) Hope you have a great weekend Ana


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