{the interview series} Romina Bacci

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Hoje entrevisto uma talentosa fotógrafa, plena de delicadeza e luz! Romina Bacci é influenciada pelas suas raízes: ela nasceu na Argentina e, como o nome indica, tem sangue italiano, mas vive actualmente nos Estados Unidos. Para além de ser fotógrafa, cria acessórios de moda, como colares e lenços... todo o seu trabalho reflecte uma paixão pela beleza do que é simples e natural. Mas não digo mais... deixo que leiam!

Não se esqueçam que podem seguir {the interview series} no facebook e reler todas as anteriores entrevistas aqui.
(Por motivos óbvios de extensão e compreensão do texto, tanto pelos entrevistados como pelos potenciais leitores do resto do mundo, a entrevista segue em inglês.)

For today I interviewed a talented photographer, full of delicacy and light! Romina Bacci is influenced by her roots: she was born in Argentina and, as the name implies, has Italian blood, but now lives in the United States. Besides being a photographer, she creates beautiful fashion accessories such as necklaces and scarves... all her work reflects a passion for the beauty of what's simple and natural. But I say no more... I let you read it!

Don't forget to follow {the interview series} on facebook and to read all the previous interviews here.

Romina Bacci
Texas, USA
site | blog | shops: Miles of Light + Dear June

1. Let’s pretend we don’t know each other and I’ve never heard about Romina Bacci. Tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m a graphic designer and photographer from Argentina, working freelance and running small photography and fashion accessory businesses in the United States.

2. You are a photographer and a graphic designer. How and when was this creative passion born?
Since I was little all my interest was on drawing, painting, taking pictures, making clothes for our dolls… I remember knitting red scarves for our Barbie’s with my sisters on summer afternoons. For me it was always clear that I wanted to keep doing this kind of things when I grow up.

3. You create fine art photography and portrait photography too. Which one gives you more pleasure to do?
Both, in different ways. I enjoy photographing people and feeling the energy of their interaction, being able to peek into their emotions and relationships. And on the other hand I’m very drawn to silence, to the calmness in the little details, it’s a peaceful thing to do to photograph still life.

4. I believe it must be difficult to capture the personality of a person or the intimacy of a relationship in photography, but you accomplish it! Would you share with us the biggest challenges you face?
Thank you for the compliment. I think that making them feel relaxed so they can be themselves is the biggest challenge. Every time, the best pictures are the last ones.

5. Tell us now about the project Miles Of Light. This is the name of your etsy shop, but also a collection of photographs of natural elements that you started in 2010 – I think they’re beautiful! Would you share your creative process with us?
Thank you so much! I start collecting the elements outdoors, randomly; I’m not looking for anything in particular. I don't think I will ever have the time to photograph everything I find. Out there are the most incredible things, such an enormous variety, nothing is ever exactly the same, every element has the evidence of a process, of another thing, it could be sun light, wind, water erosion, marks of squirrel bites; nature is never quiet, it's on an ongoing and unstoppable state of change. I take everything inside and let it sit for a while so the little insects find their way out. Then I think of a series, arrange the elements and start taking the photographs. The next day and with new eyes, I start the selection and editing process. Once I have the images, all the elements are stored in little bags inside boxes.

6. I can see you’re passionate by nature and light, your photography is fresh and dreamy… what inspires you most in your work? And besides working, what do you love most doing?
Books inspire me a lot, the stories, words and images trigger ideas in my head. I don’t need to read the whole book, sometimes just a chapter does it. A recipes book, too. Love poems, songs, a movie, anything that contains a story, a flavor, a sound. I also love watching these documentaries about animals and nature on Planet Earth… they are almost incredible, simply amazing. My husband’s support and perspective definitely help me stay on track and have vision.
I like the magic around food: making it, setting a nice table, sharing with family and friends, the smells, the flavors, the voices, the satisfaction, the mess. I love cooking and eating.

7. Would you share some useful tips with us, non-professional photographers, who would like to learn a bit more and make the most of our cameras while traveling or working?
What can I say?! Photography is so subjective to me… there’s never only “a way”. It depends on what you like to see, what memories you would like to keep. Focus on that, on what’s interesting to your eye and soul. Take more than one picture of the same thing and from different angles just in case you don’t like the only one you took. And try to avoid the flash! Natural light is so much prettier.

8. You’ve also recently opened a new shop: Dear June, where you sell scarves and necklaces. These beautiful pieces seem to complement your photographic work. Why did you decide to create accessories?
I’ve been working with fabric and jewelry since I was a teenager, I used to sell handmade items in Argentina and since then I’ve never stopped designing things for myself, or my family and friends. I think opening a new shop of accessories was a natural thing to do and something I’ve been dreaming of for a long time. I have a huge collection of scarves and wraps and I thought that versatile accessory would be a good starting point. And I’m super excited to see my hand dyed scarves featured as a summer 2011 trend!

9. You were featured in so many inspiring blogs and your creations travel all around the world! What means do you use to promote your work?
I know and it really surprises me a lot! I sometimes search the addresses on Google earth out of total curiosity to see where the mailman is going to deliver my packages. So unbelievably exciting! I must say I have never paid for advertising so far, so I don’t know how that would have worked. I guess my work itself found it’s way to publicity, since the beginning I’ve been receiving kind messages asking for a feature, an interview, a wholesale order, a trade, a giveaway, etc. Sometimes it’s a bit overwhelming to see my work and my words all over the Internet, and I wonder how all of this has happened. I feel incredibly thankful for all the people that took their time to view or purchase my work, to write about it, to spread the word so kindly and unconditionally.

10. Would you share with us a regular day at work?
My weekdays are divided into stay-at-home days and run-errands days. I’ve managed to set up this schedule in order to be able to get work done setting priorities; otherwise it seems more difficult for me. When I stay home I work on the computer, answer emails, interviews or giveaways; I process orders of photographs, scarves, necklaces; I write down and make samples of ideas for new items; work on images and galleries if I had a portrait session; and I try to leave my home office (that it’s now expanded to the guest bathroom!) when my husband gets back home. Whenever I can, I take a break and go to the gym or talk on the phone with my sisters and friends.

When I run errands I go to the post office, shop for business supplies or groceries but always have my computer on and keep answering emails, processing orders, or working on the finances. I have the habit of making lists of things I need to do/buy/start/finish/remember/etc. and it’s the only way that I can keep on track with everything, it’s really helpful and it gets me back to work because when I’m in a creative mood (quite often) all my focus is on developing the new ideas and I tend to get a bit happy-lost there :)

11. Would you give us a glimpse of your working space? Describe it and tell us what you love most about it.
It’s a white, almost square room, with high ceilings and very big windows. There are two wooden tables, two bookshelves, a big closet and lots of boxes on the floor. I love the light there is and all the trees I see outside.

12. You were born in Argentina, you have a bit of Italian blood but you live in United States. Do you think that the time and place where you live have great influence in your work? Do you feel influenced by your roots?
Yes, absolutely to both your questions. The way I work is indeed possible because of the location, the time, technological era we live in and the socio-cultural consciousness. And roots are something we can’t separate from, I guess we bring our roots wherever we go.

13. If you could live in any historical era of your choice, what would it be? Why?
I would live with natives, closer to the ground, animals and nature.

What advices would you give to someone who would also like to become a photographer?
First know and train your eye, find what’s of your interest, what you like to see and photograph. Then experiment, a lot.

15. What are your plans for the future? And your most unrealistic dreams?
So many projects! But I try to stay focus and happy on the present, living what I’ve planned before, there will always be new and exciting things to come, whatever the present is. My most unrealistic dream? To have a pair of wings to fly…

Now some quick question and answer game so we can find a bit more about you and your tastes! Tell us one:

book: Lovesick – Angeles Mastreta
music: Shakira in Spanish, she’s a great writer
movie: Inception
personality/artist: Masha Dyans
color: white
object: feather
animal: dog
drink: water
food: fruit, cheese and bread
season of the year: spring
travel destination: the beach
piece of clothing: scarf
secret: it’s supposed to be secret!

Thank you for adding a natural beauty touch to this series, Romina!


  1. que entrevista deliciosa! adoro o trabalho da romina e é simpatiquíssima!!! espero que tenhas um óptimo fim-de-semana! beijinhos, twiggs


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