{flickr favorites} slow down

Tuesday 27 July 2010

{ flickr favorites } slow down

Estar em férias não devia ser só uma corrida de malas e viagens... embora adore viajar, cada vez mais sinto que preciso de tempo para abrandar, para fazer tudo aquilo que nunca consigo fazer durante a pressa do dia-a-dia. O tempo é um dos bens mais preciosos que temos - e aquele que desperdiçamos com a maior displicência... sem nos apercebermos que com ele estamos também a deixar escapar a vida e todos os sonhos que planeamos realizar amanhã.

Ainda que esse amanhã não chegue, devemos permitir-nos o tempo de saborear todo o processo - para que em vez de tarefas cumpridas somemos momentos vividos - com prazer, com calma, com tempo... vamos abrandar?

(Ainda assim estou ansiosa pela - curta - viagem de férias!)

Mais mosaicos aqui.


Being on vacation should be more than just a race of luggage and travelling... I do love to travel, but I increasingly feel that I need time to relax, to do everything I'm not able to do during the rush of daily routine. Time is one of the most precious gifts we have - and the one we waste with the greatest indifference... without realizing that with it we also waste life itself and all the dreams that we plan to accomplish tomorrow.

Although tomorrow may never come, we must allow ourselves time to enjoy the whole process - so that rather than tasks completed we can count moments truly lived - with pleasure, with calm, with time... let's slow down?

(Still I'm excited by the - short - vacation trip!)

More mosaics here.



  1. I AGREE =D! lovely mosaic

  2. Wish you a great relaxed trip!

  3. Good words to think about. :) Beautiful mosaic too!

  4. beautiful mosaic and indeed we mustcelebrate life every day !!

  5. Have a great holiday and do take time to relax! Enjoy!

  6. Lovely mosaic, good job!

    Have a great day!

  7. What a beautiful mosaic!! Looooove the acorn picture :)
    Wishing you a wonderful and relaxed trip!

  8. I used to travel a lot and more and more I enjoy staying at home being relaxed.
    Do the things I never get around doing.
    So I love your mosaic and your thoughts you wrote down. Happy vacation, Ana! :)


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